RT-E2 interface (Real time E2 interface)

sample text
  • RAN and EdgeRIC communication framework
    • EdgeRIC adopts a low overhead messaging framework [RT-E2]

    • It is built on top of the ZMQ message passing library

  • RT-E2 message format
    • The RT-E2 messaging framework utilizes Protocol Buffers (protobuf) for defining the message schemas. Protobuf provides a platform-neutral and language-neutral way to serialize structured data. The schema is compiled into a compact binary format, which allows for efficient transmission and parsing of messages.

  • RT-E2 RAN agent
    • The rtagent class is responsible for gathering the KPIs produced every TTI and receiving the corresponding control actions

    • rtagent::send_to_er() function is called at the end of the TTI to pubish the collcted metrics to EdgeRIC

    • rtagent::receive_from_er() function is called at the beginning of every TTI to receive the control actions from EdgeRIC and distribute it to the right network function to be utilized at that TTI

  • EdgeRIC messenger
    • This is responsible for subscribing to the RAN metrics, which is utilized by the various μApps, and publishing the control actions.

    • get_metrics_multi() subscribes to the RAN every TTI and receives the network metrics, schema defined in``metrics.proto``

    • send_control() publishes the control action, schema defined in control_actions.pb

  • TTI level synchronization
    • Our system is synchronized to the TTI-level clock tick from the RAN stack. The RAN stack uses a TTI counter, referred to as RAN index. It is included in all RT-E2 messages to EdgeRIC. EdgeRIC too maintains its own counter, called RIC index which increments by 1 every time it sends out its action. Our system is equipped with a default mechanism to ensure that EdgeRIC is slaved to the current RAN index or TTI by ensuring that the RIC index is always equal to the RAN index.

RT-E2 Report Message

  • The EdgeRIC messenger agent subscribes to the current RAN TTI to receive the realtime metrics

The RT-E2 report message includes per-UE key performance indicators (KPIs) received from the RAN. Each UE is identified by its unique RNTI (Radio Network Temporary Identifier) along with its corresponding KPIs.

Structure of the message: ue_data followed by RIC ID and RAN ID.

Message Details:

  • ue_data: Dictionary containing per-UE metrics. Each entry is keyed by the RNTI of the UE and contains the following KPIs:

    • cqi: Channel Quality Indicator, reflecting the downlink channel quality.

    • dl_buffer: Amount of backlog data waiting to be sent to the UE in the downlink.

    • snr: Signal-to-Noise Ratio in the uplink, indicating the quality of the uplink signal.

    • ul_buffer: Data that is waiting to be sent in the uplink.

    • dl_tbs: The current downlink bytes scheduled for the UE.

    • tx_bytes: The current downlink bitrate for the UE.

    • rx_bytes: The current uplink bitrate for the UE.

    • ul_tbs: The current uplink bytes scheduled for the UE.

  • RIC ID: This is the RIC index

  • RAN ID: This is the RAN index or the TTI counter

Example Data Structure:

ue_data = {
    1001: {  # Example RNTI
        'cqi': 15, # Downlink Channel Quality Indicator
        'dl_buffer': 500,  # Downlink Backlog Buffer in Bytes
        'snr': 20.5,  # Uplink SNR in dB
        'ul_buffer': 250,  # Uplink Pending Data in Bytes
        'dl_tbs' : 300, # The current downlink bytes scheduled for the UE.
        'ul_tbs' : 320, # The current uplink bytes scheduled for the UE.
        'tx_bytes': 100  # Downlink bitrate in Mbps
        'rx_bytes': 100 # Uplink bitrate in Mbps
# RIC_ID = 1
RAN_ID = 101

This structured message is critical for performance management and optimization of network resources in real-time applications.

This schema is defined as a protobuf message metrics.proto

syntax = "proto3";

message UeMetrics {
   uint32 rnti = 1;
   uint32 cqi = 2;
   uint32 backlog = 3;
   float snr = 4;
   uint32 pending_data = 5;
   float tx_bytes = 6;
   float rx_bytes = 7;

message Metrics {
   uint32 tti_cnt = 1;
   repeated UeMetrics ue_metrics = 2;
   uint32 ric_cnt = 3;

RT-E2 Policy Message

Structure of the message:

μApp1-control-message, RIC ID, RAN ID.

μApp2-control-message, RIC ID, RAN ID.

Example message format:

μApp1-control-message—> UE1 RNTI, Action for UE1, UE2 RNTI, Action for UE2, …

  • EdgeRIC messenger then publishes the control actions to the RAN

This schema is defined as a protobuf message control_actions.proto

syntax = "proto3";

message SchedulingWeights {
   uint32 ran_index = 1;
   repeated float weights = 2;
} # schema for sending the scheduling decision

message Blanking {
   uint32 ran_index = 1;
   int32 a = 2;
   int32 b = 3;
} # schema for modifying the available PRBs in UL

REDIS database

  • EdgeRIC maintains a Redis database to receive learned models/ policy updates from cloud-based systems.

  • The database is also used to manage the lifecycle of μApps, which includes:

    • Tracking the number of microApps running: This allows EdgeRIC to allocate resources efficiently and ensure optimal operation of all active microApps.

    • Configuration based on user input: EdgeRIC configures microApps according to user-defined parameters. This flexibility allows users to tailor app behavior to specific needs.

    • Dynamic updating: EdgeRIC can update microApps on-the-fly based on new user inputs or changes in the operating environment. This feature ensures that microApps can adapt to evolving requirements without needing a system restart.

μApps - EdgeRIC microservices

sample text

Each μApp{i} receives metrics by subscribing to the edgeric agent’s get_metrics_multi() function. Based on these metrics, it computes a policy for the specific network function and sends the decisions to edgerics agent’s send_control_μApp_i() function.

how to write μApps?

#### This is an example of a Downlink RBG scheduling μApp
import gym
import pandas as pd

sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
import math
import time

from utils import *
import torch
import redis
from edgeric_messenger import *           #import edgeric agent

def compute_policy():
   flag = False # to be deleted
   ue_data = get_metrics_multi()            #### subscribe to RAN's RT-E2 agent via EdgeRIC messenger to receive metrics
   numues = len(ue_data)
   weights = np.zeros(numues * 2)
   RNTIs = list(ue_data.keys())

   for i in range(numues):
      # Store RNTI and corresponding weight
      weights[i*2+0] = RNTIs[i]
      weights[i*2+1] = 1/numues

   send_control_μApp_1(weights,flag)   #### send the scheduling control action to the EdgeRIC messenger
   value_algo = "Fixed Weights"

if __name__ == "__main__":

   while True: